Dive the most biodiverse seas on earth, home to pristine coral reefs, manta rays, whale sharks and spectacular species, in the heart of the coral triangle. ...
Dive the most biodiverse seas on earth, home to pristine coral reefs, manta rays, whale sharks and spectacular species, in the heart of the coral triangle. ...
Explore the ultimate country of contrasts, where ancient rainforests meet modern, multicultural cities, and miniscule muck critters share the scuba diving spotlight with turtles, sharks and much more. ...
Idyllic islands, spectacular resorts and astonishing encounters with manta rays and whale sharks - the Maldives delivers both five-star luxury and exceptional scuba diving experiences across the atoll ...
Discover the spellbinding natural beauty of the Seychelles, with enticing scuba diving, fascinating cultural heritage, and a signature blend of luxury and adventure. ...
Explore beaches, culture and dramatic landscapes, and dive the Philippines exciting reefs and wrecks, with rare sharks, turtles, muck critters and more! ...
Laze all day and dance all night, seek seclusion surrounded by striking natural landscapes, or dive some of the world’s favourite sites in the land of smiles. ...
From the outback to the ocean, Australia offers a near endless selection of incredible adventures – including scuba diving and exploring two of the world’s most extensive coral reefs, world-class wrec ...
From sub-tropical reefs and schooling fish, to world-class wrecks and frigid fjords, New Zealand’s rich underwater habitats offer a unique diversity of scuba diving experiences. ...
Explore idyllic island chains scattered across the Pacific Ocean, home to pristine reefs, abundant marine life, and wartime shipwrecks - along with some of the best scuba diving in the world ...
Explore coral reefs, venture deep inside shipwrecks and caverns, and come face to face with sharks, in this extraordinary and adventurous dive destination. ...
Hike the world’s longest mountain range, carve paths through the mighty Amazon rainforest, and scuba dive with hundreds of hammerhead sharks - Ecuador is a true adventurer’s paradise. ...
Beautiful beaches, ancient cultures, and dramatic landscapes blend perfectly with world-class diving in this destination known for its thriving reefs, stunning cenotes, and marine life! ...
Discover exceptional biodiversity and unique dive experiences in this sustainable travel destination - with adrenaline-charged pelagic encounters, migrating cetaceans, and more. ...
Explore Belize’s eclectic mix of cultures, ruins and jungle, then head to the coast for remote cayes, beaches and the spectacular barrier reef - home to some of the best diving in the Caribbean. ...
Scuba diving in Colombia is as lively as the country itself, offering a dream line-up of powerful pelagics - including hammerheads and other shark species schooling by the hundreds, if not thousands. ...
The Bahamas is an idyllic island nation renowned for casual Caribbean vibes and exceptional adventures, including incredible shark diving and exploring coral islands and cays ...
Explore beautiful beaches and a unique culture, dramatic limestone landscapes and the Turks and Caicos’ superb diving - complete with thriving reefs, plunging walls, and sharks ...
Explore the Cayman Islands and dive a different site every day of the year, including some of the best wrecks and walls in the Caribbean, and the famous Stingray City ...
The small Central American nation of Honduras punches well above its weight when it comes to dive adventures, offering some of the best - and most affordable - scuba diving experiences in the world. ...
An idyllic tropical getaway destination, the Leeward Islands are home to a kaleidoscope of cultures, unique island experiences, and unparalleled scuba diving for all. ...
The quintessential castaway paradise, Fiji offers an idyllic Pacific escape with beautiful resorts and islands to explore, plus exceptional reef and shark diving ...
Discover the mythical islands of French Polynesia, home to enchanting tropical landscapes and world-renowned watersports, including outstanding shark dives. ...
Often characterised solely by its beaches, the Dominican Republic is a diverse nation with plenty to explore – from colonial history and lively culture, to contrasting landscapes and scintillating oce ...
The Antarctic represents one of the world's last truly wild frontiers, guaranteeing stark, untouched scenery, unique encounters with wildlife, and a genuine, unbridled sense of adventure. ...
The Arctic covers a vast area of sea, ice and land within the Arctic Circle - a frontier like no other, defined by the polar night and midnight sun. This spectacular region offers visitors the chance ...
Papua New Guinea's fabled scuba diving is simply world-class, with everything from healthy corals and current-swept seamounts, to WWII wrecks and the original muck sites. ...
There are more than 465 known species of sharks living in our oceans today. Sharks are an apex predator at or near the top of their marine food chains, and they regulate the populations of species below them. Research has shown that massive depletion of sharks has cascading effects throughout the ocean’s ecosystems.
Sharks belong to a family of fish that have skeletons made of cartilage, a tissue more flexible and lighter than bone. They breathe through a series of five to seven gill slits located on either side of their bodies. All sharks have multiple rows of teeth, and while they lose teeth on a regular basis, new teeth continue to grow in and replace those they lose.
Shark ‘skin’ is made up of a series of scales that act as an outer skeleton for easy movement and for saving energy in the water. The upper side of a shark is generally dark to blend in with the water from above and their undersides are white or lighter colored to blend in with the lighter surface of the sea from below. This helps to camouflage them from predators and prey.
Scientific name: Selachimorpha
Status: Endangered
Habitats: Oceans around the world
Size: Varies
Weight: Varies
It is difficult to estimate population numbers since there are many different species spanning a large geographic area. However, overall shark numbers are on the decline due to the many threats they face in the wild.
Most sharks are especially active in the evening and night when they hunt. Some sharks migrate over great distances to feed and breed. This can take them over entire ocean basins. While some shark species are solitary, others display social behavior at various levels. Hammerhead sharks, for instance, school during mating season around seamounts and islands.
Some shark species, like the great white shark, attack and surprise their prey, usually seals and sea lions, from below. Species that dwell on the ocean floor have developed the ability to bottom-feed. Others attack schooling fish in a feeding frenzy, while large sharks like the whale and basking sharks filter feed by swimming through the ocean with their mouths open wide, filtering large quantities of plankton and krill.
Sharks mature slowly, and reach reproductive age anywhere from 12 to 15 years. This, combined with the fact that many species only give birth to one or two pups at a time, means that sharks have great difficulty recovering after their populations have declined.
Soon after birth, sharks pups swim away to fend for themselves. They are born with fully-fledged sets of teeth and are able to feed and live on their own.
Did You Know?
Sharks predate the dinosaurs by 200 million years. The largest known species of shark, C. megalodon, might have reached a maximum length of 67 feet.
Habitat & Range Sharks have adapted to living in a wide range of aquatic habitats at various temperatures. While some species inhabit shallow, coastal regions, others live in deep waters, on the ocean floor and in the open ocean. Some species, like the bull shark, are even known to swim in salt, fresh and brackish waters.
Weight: 19,000kg
Length: 12.65m
The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a slow-moving filter-feeding carpet shark and the largest known extant fish species. The largest confirmed individual had a length of 12.65 m (41.5 ft)
Best time to visit: Year round, best April to June, September to November.
Best time to visit: Year round, but best December to April.
With its hundreds of sandy beaches and isolated islands, Sabah is Malaysia’s most important area for marine turtles. The state is home to four out of ...
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-Amanda B“Top notch service, experience and knowledge = unforgettable adventures above and below the water!”
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