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ZuBlu’s news and insight from the blue

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Who is ZuBlu?

Book your next scuba diving holiday with ZuBlu - the world’s leading dive travel agency for the ...

May 21, 2024

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

5 must-have items for sustainable scuba divers

As passionate advocates and explorers of the marine environment – and its conservation – scuba ...

Apr 30, 2024

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

The decline of tropical reefs should alarm us. But there is reason to hope

The planet’s tropical reefs are in decline, and we should be alarmed. But, as recently reported by...

Mar 05, 2024

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Snefro Fleet joins Green Fins

King Snefro Fleet has recently made history by becoming the first Green Fins certified liveaboard ...

Mar 05, 2024

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

How do we know how many sharks are at risk?

According to Eco Watch, the world’s sharks are in peril, and their outlook may be worse than ...

Mar 05, 2024

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Thousands of sea turtles lay 60 million eggs in India, amid Covid-19 lockdown

​Much like most of the world, the human population in India remains on lockdown – and thousands ...

Jan 24, 2024

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

World Turtle Day. How did you celebrate?

While most divers remain dry thanks to current restrictions, marine wildlife all over the world is ...

Jan 23, 2024

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

ZuBlu Awards 2023

For many of us, Christmas and the New Year is a time of reflection and celebration, and what better ...

Dec 13, 2023

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Scuba diving after a COVID-19 infection

Have you or a diver you know been affected by COVID-19? Learn how and when it's safe to dive again ...

Sep 13, 2023

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

World’s oceans could be restored within a generation

​According to a major new scientific review, our oceans could be restored to their former glory ...

Apr 11, 2023

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Fourth Element and Waterhaul turn single-use face masks into scuba gear

As reported in Dive Magazine, Fourth Element are now offering scuba diving tools made from recycled ...

Apr 11, 2023

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Seaweed-based battery gives sustainable energy storage a boost

As reported by Science Daily, a Bristol-led team has paved the way for more sustainable energy ...

Mar 27, 2023

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Post-pandemic scuba diving

Are you getting itchy fins? For many of us, the pandemic has meant months out of the water. And, for...

Oct 31, 2022

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

First ever confirmed manta ray nursery discovered in Raja Ampat’s Wayag Lagoon

As reported by the Bird’s Head Seascape Initiative, research undertaken since 2013 and published ...

Aug 12, 2022

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Migrating turtles don’t really know where they’re going

The ability of animals such as sea turtles to migrate huge distances across the open ocean has long ...

May 31, 2022

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Sustainable swimwear brands to kickstart your summer

Fast-fashion swimwear is unsustainable. Kick-start your summer with sustainable swimwear that looks ...

Feb 01, 2022

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Is gender specific scuba gear worth it for women divers?

Are you in the market for gender specific scuba gear? If so, this is your article. We’ll walk you ...

Dec 28, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Fish songs raise hopes for coral reef recovery

As originally reported by The Guardian, the strange sounds of a coral reef, including an array of ...

Dec 28, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Blue Bonds for Conservation

As reported by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), big news is in the works with their Blue Bonds for ...

Dec 10, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Galapagos Marine Reserve to be expanded

Originally reported by Reuters, Ecuador’s president, Guillermo Lasso, has announced plans to ...

Nov 03, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

ZuBlu secures top place for Tourism and Hospitality at 2021 Go Global Awards

On the 14th October 2021 the International Trade Council announced the winners of the 2021 Go Global...

Nov 01, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Pygmy pipehorse discovered in New Zealand given Maori name

There’s big news in the tiny world of macro! A minuscule candy cane-striped pygmy seahorse was ...

Oct 21, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

How volcanic eruptions enrich the ocean

Lava is laying waste to swathes of La Palma but, according to The Guardian, the Canaries’ last ...

Oct 21, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Green Fins Award - World's Most Environmentally Friendly Dive Centres

The Reef-World Foundation have officially announced the winners of their coveted 2020 Green Fins ...

Oct 13, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Turning resolutions into reality

What better way to kick off 2019 than with some New Year’s resolutions! The ZuBlu team have ...

Oct 13, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

ZuBlu announces travel partnership with BSAC

The ZuBlu team is proud to announce a collaboration with the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) as an ...

Sep 27, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

New whale species discovered in Mexico

Researchers working off the remote western coast of Mexico's Baja California say they have ...

Sep 13, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Ancient whale skeleton in Thailand could hold clues to climate change

The Guardian has reported that a whale skeleton, thought to be up to 5,000 years old, may hold vital...

Sep 13, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Deep sea species identified using HD video

Office workers around the world are becoming used to spending their workdays on video links. So too,...

Sep 10, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Red Sea Cleanup

As originally reported by Egypt Independent, a massive reef cleanup effort is underway in Hurghada, ...

Sep 10, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

How dolphins avoid the bends

Eurek Alert recently reported that dolphins actively prevent dive related problems like the bends by...

Sep 10, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Climate crisis pushing great white sharks into new territory

As originally reported in The Guardian, our planet's climate crisis is currently pushing great white...

Sep 10, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Galapagos to be fully vaccinated by month’s end

Ecuador aims to inject life back into its tourism industry by ensuring its biggest tourist ...

Jun 09, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

DiCaprio pledges $43m to rewild Galapagos

As reported in a recent article by The Guardian, Leonardo DiCaprio has pledged $43m towards an ...

May 25, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Paralenz: A partnership for a sustainable future in dive travel and ocean exploration

The ZuBlu team is proud to announce our new partnership with Paralenz – pioneers in ...

Apr 28, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Update on the Maldives Shark Ban

Just weeks after worrying initial reports, we are delighted to report that the Maldivian Government ...

Apr 19, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Maldives Shark Fishing - A Call to Action

On the 24th March 2021, Maldives Fisheries Minister, Zaha Waheed, announced that the government is ...

Mar 31, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Sharks critical to restoring damaged ecosystems

According to The Guardian, a new study has found evidence to suggest the absence of sharks can ...

Mar 29, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Three new species of luminous shark discovered

According to The Guardian, researchers have discovered several new species of deep-sea shark with ...

Mar 16, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Fiji's corals recovering after cyclone damage

As reported by The Guardian, corals reefs devastated by Cyclone Winston in 2016 are now thriving ...

Mar 16, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Boeing sets deadline for 100% sustainable fuel

It’s no secret that air travel is one of the biggest carbon contributors of any long distance dive...

Feb 26, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

ZuBlu goes live

After many months of sweat, work and coffee, we are extremely excited to announce the launch of ...

Feb 22, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Seagrass sieves plastic particles from water with ‘Neptune Balls’

As reported in The Guardian, researchers have discovered that seagrass beds along the Spanish coast ...

Feb 15, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Newborn megalodons were larger than humans

According to an article in The Guardian, scientists believe that newborn megalodon sharks were ...

Feb 03, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

How to travel during the pandemic

Are you considering traveling during the pandemic? If so, you aren't alone. Around the globe, divers...

Jan 28, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

ZuBlu's new Discovery Tool

ZuBlu is proud to announce the launch of its new search tool - putting the power of discovery firmly...

Jan 26, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Shark Observation Grants Program - end of shark nets

As reported in Mirage News, Australian conservation groups have joyfully announced a new plan to ...

Jan 20, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Younger people looking for a different travel experience in 2021

As reported by Travel Pulse, panelists on a Future of Travel webinar organised by tour operator ...

Jan 14, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Coral sanctuary found off east Africa coast

As reported by The Guardian, scientists have recently discovered a coral refuge off the coast of ...

Jan 05, 2021

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

The future of exploring the blue is green

A recent survey by ZuBlu - Asia’s leading dive travel agency - has revealed that while scuba ...

Dec 29, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

CRISPR helps uncover how corals cope with warming oceans

According to an article by ScienceDaily, the Nobel Prize-winning genome editing system known as ...

Dec 28, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Newly discovered reef taller than a skyscraper

As reported in a recent article by CNN, scientists have found a “massive” new underwater ...

Dec 14, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Book with confidence during COVID-19

Despite news of vaccinations and changing travel regulations, booking a dive holiday can still be ...

Dec 05, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

DNA in seawater to reveal fish diversity

According to an article by Science Daily, a team of scientists from eDNAtec Inc. - working in ...

Nov 23, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Hope for the world's coral reefs

Scientists are using novel methods to ensure corals survive long enough to evolve adaptations to ...

Nov 02, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Shark Skeleton Evolution

​As reported in The Guardian, researchers recently uncovered the partial skull of a strange, ...

Oct 16, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Global FinPrint- Global conservation status of sharks

Global FinPrint recently revealed the results of a landmark study that used baited remote underwater...

Sep 16, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Eco-dive travel survey

Get the chance to win a ScubaPro sustainable wetsuit worth $300! Simply take our survey on ...

Aug 13, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Plastic, plastic, so much plastic - can a viral video change how we view ocean waste?

On the 3rd of March, 2018, British diver Rich Horner filmed himself swimming through a sea of ...

Aug 11, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Heat-resistant corals offer a glimmer of hope for reefs

Scientists have recently confirmed what divers have suspected for decades, and shown that corals ...

Aug 10, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Strange new species discovered in Pacific ocean

​The ocean covers roughly 71 per cent of the Earth's surface. Yet, a whopping 95 per cent of the ...

Jul 14, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Maldives open for tourism in July 2020

The Maldives will be open for visitors again from July 2020...

Jun 29, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Leatherback turtles return to Thailand's beaches

While humans might find the current situation frustrating and inconvenient, mother nature is using ...

Jun 26, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Dolphins, sharks and rays enjoy ocean freedom

​As lockdowns continue around the world, dedicated divers will be longing for that next underwater...

Jun 26, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Inspirational Women of 2019

What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than highlighting those women that have ...

Jun 26, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

COVID-19 - A window of opportunity for the oceans

The COVID-19 pandemic could provide some ‘much-needed breathing space’ for the marine ...

Jun 26, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Happy new year from ZuBlu

2017 has been an extraordinary year for ZuBlu. From an idea first conceived during a dive trip, to ...

Jun 26, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

Filming Blue Planet II - an interview with cameraman Roger Munns

In 2001 the BBC released a groundbreaking documentary series - The Blue Planet - described as the ...

Jun 26, 2020

ZuBlu Tips & Articles

ZuBlu secures USD 1 million seed funding

ZuBlu, a travel platform focusing on scuba diving and underwater adventure travel has successfully ...

Jun 26, 2020